
We have conducted in-depth research on the laws and psychology of learning, and developed unique teaching plans and styles to help students acquire more knowledge.

Funny Teaching Materials

The courseware is very engaging and interactive. Students can not only interact with the teacher, but also with the courseware, which increases their learning interest and improves the quality of their learning.

One-on-One Instruction

We customize exclusive courses based on students' foundation, learning goals, and receptiveness, and provide flexible teaching.

Fully Practice

Strictly control the ratio of the lectures and practice time in the classroom (1:3-1:4), so that students can truly master English.


Our Teachers

No matter where you are looking for a teacher, we have it! We are equipped with teachers from different countries and regions to meet the needs of different students.



Teachers from Philippines


Teachers from UK


Teachers from USA & Canada

Our Courses

What Will You Learn

  • English for Daily conversation.
  • English for travel.
  • English for business conversation.
  • Language and skills for IELTS test.
  • Language and skills for TOEFL test.
Try before make decision

Free Trial

Every student has free trial lessons. The trial lessons allow students to learn about the teaching methods, teacher style, and course content, helping them make informed decisions. The trial lessons provide an opportunity to interact with the teacher, understand the teacher's teaching ability and communication ability. The trial lessons can also assess the student's English level and learning needs, and develop a personalized learning plan for the subsequent course design. Through the trial lessons, students can better understand the learning institution and the teacher, and ensure that they choose the learning style and teaching environment that suits them.

Contact us to get a free trial class
More chance of speaking

One-on-One Class

One-on-one English online classes provide individual attention and focused instruction, with lessons tailored to students' needs and levels. Flexible scheduling and self-directed learning, adapting to personal time and pace. Accelerate learning and improve speaking fluency with personalized instruction and real-time feedback. In-depth interaction and precise correction to improve language skills and self-confidence. Personal progress tracking and comprehensive support help students achieve faster and more effective learning outcomes. Through online one-to-one classes, students can give full play to their potential and achieve personalized English learning goals.

Every student is unique

Personalized Plan for Each Student

Classes with personalized study plans provide multiple benefits for each student. It can customize courses according to the needs and levels of students, focus on strengthening weak links, and improve learning efficiency. Individual instruction and customized teaching methods help students better understand and master knowledge. The teacher's focused attention and real-time feedback allow students to correct mistakes in time and make continuous progress. In addition, the personalized learning plan can also provide more learning resources and support, so that students can better master English at a learning pace that suits them.

Contact us to get a personalized study plan
enjoy the course

Learning with Love and Laughter

Interesting textbooks and lively classroom interactions have multiple benefits for English learning. They stimulate interest in learning and make learning more enjoyable. Through interesting teaching materials and active classroom interaction, students can have a deeper understanding and memory of what they have learned. In addition, interactive communication and practical application help students improve oral fluency and enhance self-confidence.

no financial stress

Installment Payment

The installment payment scheme makes tuition payment more flexible and affordable, reducing financial stress. Students can plan their study plans according to their own financial ability, and have more time and resources to focus on their studies. Installment payment also provides more options, enabling students to choose the learning institution and course that suits them. By paying in installments, students can take the first step in learning English more easily and enjoy a personalized online learning experience.

tuition fee details
Respect people's privacy

APP Not Required

Some Apps have become public enemies by disregarding user rights and arbitrarily invading and collecting user privacy. Join fizzABC, simply login to our website and click the "Join Class" button to communicate one-on-one with a native teacher, avoiding the risks posed by apps.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Join our membership and get a free trial of one-on-one lessons with native English teachers.
Our professional evaluators will provide you with a customized English learning guide to help you improve your English level quickly.

popular courses

Adult English

We design our courses according to ESL standards and use ESL textbooks.

Daily English

FizzABC daily English courses are the best choice for students of all levels. Our courses are designed to help students improve their English skills, regardless of their starting point.

Specialized Courses

izzABC can help you improve your English skills in a variety of situations, including business negotiations, job interviews, and IELTS speaking tests.

Hobby Courses

Want to travel the world without worrying about language barriers? Want to watch the latest English movies without subtitles? Want to stay up-to-date on global news without looking up words in the dictionary? Join FizzABC, and everything is possible!

Advance feature

Our Advance Online Learning System

We have perfect online learning management system, high-speed servers to ensure our lessons going well.

Learn Anywhere

Students can take the class anywhere as long as there is internet available.

Expert Teacher

Our teachers have rich experience in teaching and English native speaker.